So You Want to Be Successful on Hire an Esquire
February 10, 2016
You signed up with us and haven’t been back to see us. We get it—you have no time! Having a complete, up to date and active profile is key to being successful on Hire an Esquire. Hire an Esquire has over 480 law practices registered—many use our attorney search feature to reach out to and select attorneys instead of posting jobs. If you don’t have an up to date complete profile, you could be unknowingly missing out on many opportunities. Put down the paperwork, and pick up your laptop. It’s time to put you back in the driver’s seat. Log on to Hire an Esquire, and get ready to change your life with these rules for success:
(1) Stay active on your account - The most important part of searching for a job is diligence. Logging onto your account and keeping your profile up to date will increase your ranking in search.
You’ll receive email updates with current job openings, but keep checking the site for updates as your e-mails may get lost in your jungle of an inbox. In doing so, you’ll increase your chances of finding that potentially life-changing position.
(2) Upload a profile picture - LinkedIn’s research says that “just having a [profile] picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed by others.” Choose a photo that accurately represents who you are as a professional. Save the selfies and duckfaces for Facebook.
(3) Complete your work history - Imagine a world where searching for jobs meant sitting at home and waiting for employers to find you. This happens every day on Hire an Esquire. But if your profile’s incomplete, you’ll be passed over. Your profile is like a resume; it speaks to your experience, expertise, and how successful you are as an attorney. Leaving out a particular job can hurt your chances of landing a position.
(4) Apply to Jobs relevant to you - Have you ever felt that you apply to everything and hear radio silence? We get it. But take a moment to reflect. Are you applying to the right positions for your experience? Focus on jobs that are most relevant to your work experience, and apply to them regularly.
(5) Embrace the expertise tags - Expertise tags are key to being located by law practices in search. Select expertise tags that best highlight the practice areas that you have experience in. Be honest! The matching algorithm will not score you highly if you select all the expertise tags in hopes that it will increase your chances of getting a job.
Consider what an employer is thinking when looking at the tags in the context of your years of practice and previous employment. You probably aren’t an expert in 10 practice areas if only 5-6 years out of law school.
(6) Be available - Positions come and go at a moment's notice, especially contract positions. Once you’ve submitted an application, watch your inbox and be available for a quick phone interview!